Wednesday, August 14, 2013

As other cities remove elevated highways, our 'better idea' is to keep one in place? Your letters |

As other cities remove elevated highways, our 'better idea' is to keep one in place? Your letters |

This letter is in response to a letter written by representatives of the Save81 group. Most, if not all, decisions involving public funds require a balancing of interests. The goal is to achieve something that comes closest to the "common good". The state of New York is about to make a decision that will affect not only today's citizens but the citizens of future generations. The group advocating to maintain the 81 overpass has a view based on their particular needs. Whether it's "right" or "wrong" isn't the question. The question is whether their proposition will best serve the needs of the larger community. The State is going to spend $32,000,000 on studies that will hopefully provide the facts needed to make a sound decision. In my way of thinking the Save81 group could use some of those facts before making the assertions put forth in their letter. Allow me to question a few of their points made to illustrate my point.
"Traffic lights and intersections would increase travel time for first responders..." Really? How would a boulevard be any different than the street level highways that exist today? Currently, ambulances traveling on Rt. 81 get off at Adams or Harrison and travel the remainder of the distance at street level. That would change little with a boulevard option.

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