Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Search the Bay Journal site: Sick smallmouth bass spur effort to seek impaired status for Susquehanna

 See attached for an article in the June issue of the Chesapeake Bay Journal on sick and dying smallmouth bass in Pennsylvania's Susquehanna River, and the failure of State or EPA scientists to identify the causes, dating back for eight years or longer, or even to provide the river with an "impaired" deesignation that would make its cleanup a priority.

While the problem is evident mainly in the State of Pennsylvania, the same skin lesions and depleted SM bass populations could very well extend their effects to fish in New York's headwaters sections of the Susquehanna River. As the article mentions, the Susquehanna River has long been at the heart of Pennsylvania's smallmouth bass fishing, and that same SM bass fishery has had a reputation as being one of the finest in the nation.

  Read more on this story

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