Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Collective will can shift path of global warming | syracuse.com

Collective will can shift path of global warming | syracuse.com

Like a slowly building wave, it has taken time but it is here: Your future has arrived. This summer's record-breaking temperatures, the droughts and floods, the forest fires. As bad as it is today, it will get a lot worse in your lifetimes. I apologize. 

I am like so many others, a creator of your future. I own a car - one of the 1 billion worldwide. There may be twice that many by 2050. I'm a traveler who contributes to the world's 94,000 commercial airline flights a day. I live in a house built for five, but only two of us live there. 

Just like so many others, I helped cause the fires in Colorado, where drought and warmer temperatures stressed trees and allowed bark beetle populations to explode - killing the pines and producing a vastness of dead, bone-dry wood waiting for a spark. And add melting glaciers, retreating arctic sea ice and failing oceans. 

A good portion of the state's apple crop has been lost - caused by the unusual warm spell in March that caused the blossoms to open too soon. Then the heat and lack of rain stressed what survived.

read more here - > Collective will can shift path of global warming | syracuse.com

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