Tuesday, November 15, 2011

IWLA Action Alert.

Call Your U.S. Senators Today to Support Clean Water
This week, the fight to conserve streams and wetlands and to protect drinking water for tens of millions of Americans shifts decidedly to the U.S. Senate. During debate on the budget bill for the Army Corps of Engineers, Senators could vote on an amendment that would block the Corps from taking any action to restore even limited Clean Water Act protections for streams and wetlands.

The Izaak Walton League has been fighting all year to restore these lost protections. We took an important step forward this summer when the Corps and EPA proposed some common sense, science-based guidelines that move us closer to our goal. Strong support from League members and hunters and anglers across the country proved crucial to moving forward.

That progress is at risk right now in the U.S. Senate. Senators John Barrasso of Wyoming and Dean Heller of Nevada plan to offer an amendment this week that would block the Corps from taking any action to restore even limited protections to streams and wetlands nationwide. And this isn't a temporary ban – it's a permanent prohibition.

Senators need to hear from constituents who hunt, fish, boat, and enjoy the outdoors in opposition to this amendment. Please call your U.S. Senators today and urge them to vote against the Barrasso-Heller amendment to the Energy and Water Appropriations bill.

If you need phone numbers for your U.S. Senators, please visit the League's Conservation Advocacy Center, which also includes simple talking points for your calls.